Dear Chris, the big news in your first point on HEAT PUMPS is NOT the fact that the quantity decreases more or less than gas heaters: IT IS THE FACT that (going to one article mentioned in your text) BOSCH (Fort Lauderdale) has designed the FIRST HEAT PUMP that works perfectly AT MINUS 15°C to heat a house, and down to MINUS 25°C with their new technology... This is a GREAT LEAP FORWARD in the use of Heat pumps as a decarbonation way accelerating the SWITCH from fossil energies... It is worth MENTIONING: a REAL breakthrough...! See here:


Brochure exists also in English on the web...


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Hello Raymond,

Thank you for writing.

I very much agree that advances in heat pumps mean that their advantages over other forms of heating are becoming more obvious as time passes. The world can convert all its gas boilers to cost-effective electric heating, even in countries such as the UK and Belgium with unusually badly insulated homes. The website you point us towards is not currently available, but I'll take a look later in the day. Thanks for the links.

All best wishes, Chris

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